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Teacher tenure pros and cons.
In addition, many teachers are de-motivated with bad curricula they need to follow. Focusing only on flaws of tenure leaves all the other problems behind and gives a twisted and incomplete perspective on the underlying multiple problems in the educational system. If schools had more funding and teachers better salaries, maybe more competent people would apply for positions. Tenure then wouldn't be needed to protect more experienced teachers from being replaced by less expensive ones. This may be true, but generalizations are dangerous. There will always be those who will try to beat the system. In other words, people who like the idea of job safety will pretend for few years - probationary period - and after they get a tenure they will show their true face. Teachers are afraid to try new, innovative things if they are afraid of losing their job. Tenure therefore is an incentive. School district who have budget deficits don’t want old experienced teachers who are too expensive, but they want to to hire less experienced and less expensive teachers. Tenure prevents this. [1] People don't become teachers because they don't like to teach, but because they enjoy teaching. Their low salaries are a proof for that. In addition, if they didn't have tenures, and they didn't like to teach, they would be motivated to look for better paid jobs, not to improve their teaching skills. If they love to teach, then tenure will not be demotivator, but a motivator. But a teacher can do a job well during the probation, and 'relax' after receiving a tenure. Without a tenure, teacher will be motivated to do a good job all the time. Such a teacher would be fired during the probationary period. If they are not, that is the problem of administration and bureaucracy, not the tenure itself. Tenure removes incentives for teachers to put in more than the minimum effort and to focus on improving their teaching. But this problem is solved with anti-discrimination employment laws, like the 'Fair Employment Law'. Tenure is not required any more for preventing these situations from happening. Before introduction of teacher tenure, women were sometimes dismissed for becoming pregnant, wearing pants, and other non-professional reasons. Tenure is permanent position or employment status granted to an employee after probationary period. This status cannot be terminated without just cause.
Should tenure be supported or opposed in regards to teaching profession? Teacher tenure pros and cons. What makes a good teacher?