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Some say that everyone loves music, prove that these "some" are wrong.

I just need to find a person that was born deaf.My life is my song. There is no way that anybody can hate the music. I see music all around me. I feel music everywhere I go. It's like the air I breathe. If and only if I find somebody that doesnt like music I'll get back to you with an answer on your question.
I'm not sure it is actually possible to entirely hate music, becuse if it was, then you would have to hate everything. Their is music in everything we do. Look at the first link, a poem. Granted many hate their job, but still it is music. Just music about hate. But with that comparison then is there not music in everything we do?[1] i personally love music. i couldnt live without it. im emotionally attached to it, therefore CAN understand why people would hate it. it could be down to, for example, a strong passion against they way music is prejudiced, famed, desired, abused or industrialised. if an individual really despises the way music is inflicted on the community in respects to this, then it will never even occur to them that a song can be 'good' as they do not believe the concept of music is beneficial to any human.
Is there a God?
To prove it, I just need to find one person that does not like the music. That's like saying "prove" that god does or does not exist. It's a great concept either way, but the only "proof" is what you know to be true in your heart. This goes for music, as well as life. I can't prove it, I give up! Some say that everyone loves music, prove that these "some" are wrong.

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