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Is there a God?

There must be a God. There is an agent for any action, right ? E.g Can a watch be made by itself ? Can a a house be build by itself ? So, how can this vast universe come to existence by itself ? God is not a puppet master, He set creation in motion and lets it run with minimum interference. Only humans can change it for the better by working with God.There is no scientific reason to say there cannot be a God. 96% of this universe is made up of dark matter/energy. Can we say God and the supernatural are not made of dark energy/matter?There are 3 in The Creator. God is 1 'Person' of The Creator. There are also The Father and (J)esus Christ. God IS a spirit. The Father of Christ (J)esus and Christ (J)esus Themselves, are NOT spirit(s) but have physical 'forms'. A better question might be: Could God prevent births which will grow to do evil? Only with linguistic sense, any relation is to be made. So, the personality is the origin of expression of things. Besides, only with ethical sense, Existense is to be demanded. So, the origin of all existence and genesis is an personality with ethical sense and king's right and dignity. Every thing is good(Of course the bad things people freely think it evil) for the purpose of this world.God comes from the first sentence of the Old Testament of the Bible. That's where the word - God - appears. There are books like Mother Goose stories; the Bible is a book of stories about persons with character/values/a sense of light vs darkness/cops vs robbers, etc."God" is a relatively modern word. It is interesting that even exists. The Biblical "god" was Eloheim, which means all powerful being (or more able than us anyways). Predating Eloheim, the Egyptians called them the guardians of the sky. Before THAT, the term for what we now call "god" comes from Sumeria, and it is Annunaki, or those who from the stars came to the earth. All of these are refered to in a plural sense. So what is god, besides a word? If you keep looking, the answer becomes obvious.In the Abrahamic religions, "God" is the creator of everything. In pagan religions, god is the one who controls dangerous things like volcanos, and must be appeased with sacrifices to keep him from destorying those who live nearby. Since God is the creator, He must have existed at creation. God exists today, only in the hearts and minds of those who worship Him. According to scripture, God finished creation, declared it good, and sat down. He gave sovereignty over to the natural laws which He put in place. The God of the Abrahamic religions is the creator of everything. However, since the existence of God cannot be proven, He exists as a spirit in the hearts and minds of those who worship Him. The question of the existence of God, per it's many unfalsifiable definitions, is meaningless. A better question, then, would be "What is meant by 'God'?"This is the unanswerable question of all time. All our answers are just opinions and convictions and unprovable whether they be yes or no. Unless you encountered God face to face how would you know? The best book ever written about God was published around 1955. It can be found on the web. Google The Urantia Book. If nothing else it helps explain why there is so much uncertainty on this planet about God's existence. I am a believer but I would never judge another person as stupid for saying no. That kind of thinking is incorrect and inconsistent with a loving God. The concept of eternal damnation and punishment is derived from older, primitive religious thinking. Would a loving earthly parent ever want that for their most erring child? How then could we think divine love would be so inclined? That is the question we all face. The fact that we ask in the first place is the first piece of evidence that God does exist. How can the question be answered without an honest effort to find the answer, If God's existence is real what could be more important in life than seeking Him? And if yes and you become a truth seeker it would change your life. The answer is not found in religious dogmas however. It is found with honest intention. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door will open.God does not prevent evil because he gave mankind the gift of freewill and nothing in creation is allowed to take that gift from us BECAUSE that is the will of God. That does not make him less omnipotent or malevolent. Sadly many do choose to reject God. Evil comes from man's ignorance in exercising that freewill. Our world is one of chaos and confusion but it is not the norm in creation. We are victims of the Lucifer rebellion. God's love will prevail. Creation is fundamentally benevolent. Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God? [1][2] God is the all knowing, everywhere God that loves unconditionally and gives grace generously to those who believe and put their faith in HIm If it is true that God exists, as is described in some religious books, then people should behave well so that they end up in heaven after this life. After all, no one wants to burn forever and be tortured in hell. The Big Bang theory is just that, a scientific theory. There are a number of scientific theories which talk about the Universe, and Big Bang is just one of them. Few other theories talk about infinite number of universes, and their big bang/big collapse life cycles.

Even with the Big Bank theory God is not a contradictory concept, as it may have existed before the Bang, and actually have initiated it. God does not need time to exist, nor space. God is both time & no time, space & no space. I honestly don't know. For example, the Big Bang is the beginning of time, that means that there was no God before the Big Bang because there wasn't time for God to exist, before the Big Bang. The idea of God is starting to contradict the knowledge of Science and I am at war with my self over it. Will any answer make a difference? Should we change our behavior depending on the answer? If not, why bother with answering, if yes, what would the change be? Whether you are a believer or a skeptic, answer to above questions - what God is or would be if he was and could be proved - and I will tell you if he is there. God is a concept of a human mind. We talk about it, therefore it exists. Saying that he does not exist would be saying that the concept does not exist, or that human mind does not exist. God is a delusion. Human thoughts and emotions emerge from exceedingly complex interconnections of physical entities within the brain. An atheist in this sense of philosophical naturalist is somebody who believes there is nothing beyond the natural, physical world, no supernatural creative intelligence lurking behind the observable universe, no soul that outlasts the body and no miracles - except in the sense of natural phenomena that we don't yet understand. But is there a better, and more 'real' concept of God, which is not corrupt but true? Concept of a god — the god as the patron of the sick, the god as a spinner of cobwebs, the god as a spirit — is one of the most corrupt concepts that has ever been set up in the world. God is the sovereign creator and eternal ruler of all things and beings that exist, whether in the physical universe or in the spiritual realm. I believe in God who reveals himself in the lawful harmony of all that exists, but not in a God who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind. [3] Who is God? Where is God? What is God? Proof of God? Who created God? Is there a God?

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