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Mental Health

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Dealing with anxiety the day after binge drinking

What's something that you consider nasty? The next time you try to grab a drink, put that into it. Drink the alcohol along with that nasty thing every time. Do this repeatedly. Every time you go to get a drink, put this nasty thing in it. Soon, the thought of drinking will seem unappealing. Or, that's the theory anyway. Hope it works. I am college student with depression, I take antidepressant medication. I often binge drink. I am now 23, and when I binge drink, I feel bad anxiety the next morning/day. I got prescribed a small amount of clonazepam (an antianxiety medication) a while ago, and it helps for the day after. However, I am going to run out and I don't think a doctor would want to keep prescribing me this for this reason. I intend to slow down my drinking, but there are no guarantees. Anyone have any advice?Dealing with anxiety the day after binge drinking

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