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Society and Sociology

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What are the relationship between childhood poverty and youth social outcome.

There are a number of social determinants to keep in mind when looking at outcomes. Primary and secondary socialisation have a significant influence on social outcome, and are not always necessarily influenced completely by material deprivation. Consider cultural deprivation also, housing, health inequalities, ethnicity, gender and educational opportunities. Childhood poverty increases likelihood of continuing generational poverty, due to increased probability of poor socialisation.That is true. Perhaps instead of capitalism I should have implicated the institution of money. I wouldn't limit this cause to capitalism, as in other social/economic systems there also are similar problems, in different degrees of course...Childhood and adult poverty are class inequalities resulting from capitalism. These inequalities result in increased rates of crime and incarceration, numerous health problems, and countless other social problems at all stages of human life. What are the relationship between childhood poverty and youth social outcome.

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