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Adopted vs biological children.
Competition abounds in nature. Being competitive is an instinctive behavior present in many species. You compete for a sexual partner (for reproduction). Competition is extension of survival and life instincts. Our ancestors competed, and they were successful, and we are the result of that success. We strive throughout our lives to be even better, and to continue the evolutionary success through our children. We don't want to pass our nurture only, but also our genes. They both make us.
Having biological kids is not only a matter of psychological needs or sociological conditioning, it is also a matter of biological needs and instincts. A woman is probably not complete until she goes through a birth phase and fulfills a role of a mother. You cannot simply tell women to stop giving birth because there are some other women in the world who gave birth to more children than they should have. Why are people so prejudiced about adopting children? Why do most want to have their 'own' biological offspring? Does it really matter if our children carry our genes? Is it our genes which make them our children?
Imagine this situation: you have a child eleven years old and hospital calls you to tell you they made a mistake and gave you another person's child at birth, and that you need to give it back -- would you do it?
Why then would it be difficult for you to rise adopted child? Adopted vs biological children.