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Is religion against war?

This post disregards all scripture says about blood and war. Blood in Christian scripture is about Christ's blood--symbolically before He lived on earth.

There have been holy wars, or wars to ensure a safe good life for God's people, but holy war is rare. Otherwise, war has been caused by rebellion against God. Christ wasted animal body and made peiple able to waste it and its life. That's was the perfection of the Law. By preparing forgiveness and new life, Christ saves people from sin(we have knowledge of good and evil, ethical sense, which is against our animal body). So , The lineage of blood of animal body, ethnic groups, lands and nations for animal body's life are also wasted. Who kills for these things never be a christian. Thats a logical fallacy. Thats like saying that the ripples exist because of the stone cast into the pond, so it stands to reason that the stone cast into the pond exists because of the ripples. I don't know of any religion that condones murder (aside from radicalist Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. who distort the ideas into: "no really, its ok!"). But then, what is murder? Many Buddhists believe any taking of life is murder. Many Christians believe any taking of human life is murder.War exists because of religion, so it stands to reason that religion exists because of war. I guess that depends on religion. Some most certainly are, while others are not. Is religion against war?
Is Islam a violent religion?

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