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What is the difference between truth and fact?

truth and fact are the same thing. — jesus christFacts are temporary, truth is forever. a fact is a truth and can be proved.. a truth is a fact that can be proved only sometimes A fact seems to be more easily check-able. Truth however seems to be often elusive. A fact is a description of something which may or may not be true. For example, if I open a random book and take a random sentence 'thus she opened the box' from it, it is both fact and true that a sentence says 'thus she opened the box'. It is however uncertain whether she really opened a box, whoever 'she' might be. It may be a fiction book, or a non-fiction book. In a non-fiction book it may be an accurate and true description of past event, or it may not. What is the difference between truth and fact?
Truth is relative.

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