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Is economics a science?

Follow this to another thread.[1] There is no science in Economics.
It's a mechanism for social control.
Economics is better described as propaganda made law.

Economics is no science and no art!
It's a mechanism designed to achieve an end.... The end is control of the plebus, the means is a set of protocols they (the plebus) cannot circumvent. Economics is a means to an end... The end is the one that has been designed for; the means is the manipulation of the people that submit themselves to the mechanism. There is no Science in economics whatever... and what's worse there is also very little logic. Economics is both, arts as well as science.
arts-because it discusses theories given by many economists.
science-as science needs theory+practical evidences smilarly economic theories r applied in real world circumstances.
so economics can be considered as a wonderful combination of arts+science :) :) Economics is a science, because it
supports axioma's and hypothesis .These are abundent. Furthjermore it works within several models, mathematical and otherwise Economics is an inexact science, one with so many variables that often people implement incorrect economic policy. Maybe there is some basic science behind some basic economic models, but economic decisions in the modern world have nothing to do with science. In fact, most of decisions economists make are absurd ... absurd from the rational economic perspective. From the perspective of the power elites these decisions are perfectly Machiavelian. [2][3]Is economics a science?

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