Anonymous Internet Discussion Forum


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I think that idea behind this site is great!

What is the idea behind this site?I think that idea behind this site is great! it could use AJAX technology to speed it up and make it more usable. Unlike other forums where comments have one way hierarchy, here one can link to some preceding comment, and make a loop in reasoning. It enables something like this:

I can do a or b. if a, then a1 and a2. a2 leads back to a. only b is now left, so I explore b path now...

Another major thing is rating topics at the beginning and end of discussion. By doing this, the most enlightening topics will be selected, ones containing eye opening ideas. This rating is enabled at well commented topics. There are few. One is real anonymity. There are no usernames, and in comments one may not quote others, unless the topic is about them. Focus on ideas and arguments instead of their proponents discourages criticizing. Another idea behind the site is elimination of all non-comment information, like username, date of post, number of clicks, etc. Also, all selected ideas form a continuous thought, a story. Readers create paths that reflect their views. One can also merge ideas from many topics. For example, this forum could change: But implementation could be much better.

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