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What is reverse discrimination?
By definition "When people show discrimination towards a majority group"
But You kill discrimination when people can accept the fact that people who are different then others are not the enemy. We are not white men, black men, asian men, purple me, blue men, or any of the others.
We are all human at the end of it, you bleed red like anyone else and in the end all of humanity deserves to be slaugthered in the name of justice. Completely agree but you have many companies such as Intel, Google, Facebook etc. doing intensive recruiting to increase technical females and minorities. This would be fine if they were still making hiring decisions based solely on true qualifications. Otherwise to me it is like saying we are going to solve a crime problem by committing more crime. Lets fight discrimination by discriminating which makes no sense. Discrimination is discrimination, regardless of its intention. The 'reverse' of discrimination is social open-mindedness. That is, the challenging of our innate irrational preconceptions of how other individuals are likely to behave like and what their values will be, etc based on their race, gender and cultural tastes and so on.There is no such thing as reverse discrimination. Discrimination is the same whichever way it goes. It is the same as discrimination, but unlike discrimination which is aimed against minorities, reverse or positive discrimination involves prejudicial treatment (exclusion or rejection) of an individual based solely on their belonging to a dominant or majority group. Affirmative Action is meant to help blacks because based on the principle of compensatory damages they deserve compensation for past and continuing injustices. It is not a discrimination policy but a compensatory damages policy. Affirmative Action is reverse discrimination. What is reverse discrimination?