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What are the responsibilities of citizens?
Our rights are our responsibilites.We are definitely governed by laws. Laws of nature govern and affects us whether we like or not or knows it or not. But laws of societies and govenments are consciously formulated in order to come up with a set of moral norms to govern the actions and motives of people for the common good. And laws must be implemented to serve common good and not to favor a few.
In any civilized society, it is every citizen's responsibility to obey just laws. But at the same time, it is every citizen's responsibility to disobey unjust laws. [1][2] It depends on the society you live in. Some common responsibilities are:
- Obeying the Laws
- Paying Taxes
- Serve as a Witness
- Jury Duty
- Voting
- Registering for the DraftWhat are the responsibilities of citizens?