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Misspellings like 'mispellings' are so benign; they serve as a criticizing point for those who can't argue argument but switch focus to these 'fundamental' flaws in your character.

I think it is very important that persons learn to spell the correct way, although I feel unnecessary attitude to teach this is completely wrong. It is not criticism telling someone they have made a mistake unless you repetitively ''keep on'' at them even though they understand what you are telling them or trying to say. Although improper grammar and spelling aren't a means to disparage an argument, it does show incompetence.Sorry, but simple misspellings like that show that the one doing it is uneducated beyond all reason, or highly incompetent (if it wasn't a typo) that is.. if they learned English as their native language.

Consultants see the Forest, Clients see the Trees. You misspelled "cant". Maybe your fundamental flaw is not caring about details. After all the devil and god are in the details. My mind is always open for new arguments that may reverse my judgment. Is that your final judgement, or do you wish to reserve judgment? maybe just don't fucking misspell.
Misspellings like 'mispellings' are so benign; they serve as a criticizing point for those who can't argue argument but switch focus to these 'fundamental' flaws in your character.

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