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Who wants to live forever?

Living forever is selfish, you are extracting resources on Earth more than you should have. But honestly, almost all human extract resources far more than other living things. So we should not exist at all!!! I am immortal by denial. We shouldn't worry so much about if whether we want to live for hundreds of years, but why we would want that and what we would do with that time if we had it. Answer to this question would tell us a lot about ourselves. The nature of life is not mortality but immortality. DNA is an immortal molecule. It has been around for millions of years thanks to duplication and replication. [1] But imagine if we were technologically so advanced, and could travel all over the universe and inhibit other planets. Think of all that we could know, experience, do and learn. Think of the wisdom we would gain and the advancements we could make.

Short-term thinking is ruining the planet; it is long-term thinking that will save it.
It goes against nature and common sense. If we stopped dying, babies would have to stop being born as well. Amount of matter in the universe is constant, as is the size of our planet and its capacity. System would not get 'refreshed' and reborn. Things would probably get rotten. You are assuming that death does nothing but cut life short. In fact it gives life meaning. Mortality is what cultivates motivation and what allows us to take risks. Without death there would be stasis, not progress.

Striving for extension of life and for immortality are two very different things. I don't want to achieve immortality through my work; I want to achieve immortality through not dying. I don't want to live on in the hearts of my countrymen; I want to live on in my apartment. [2] No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don’t want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. [3] I wish it were possible... to invent a method of embalming drowned persons, in such a manner that they might be recalled to life at any period, however distant [since I have] a very ardent desire to see and observe the state of America a hundred years... But... in all probability, we live in a century too little advanced, and too near the infancy of science, to see such an art brought in our time to its perfection... [4] Given human nature, if people got hit on the head by a baseball bat every week, pretty soon they would invent reasons why getting hit on the head with a baseball bat was a good thing. But if you took someone who wasn't being hit on the head with a baseball bat, and you asked them if they wanted it, they would say no. I think that if you took someone who was immortal, and asked them if they wanted to die for benefit X, they would say no.[5][6]Who wants to live forever?

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