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What is entropy?

"entropy" = "hyper-space "breathing""
e.g. two spaces together is a hyper-space, distribute these spaces over a third involves an internal division that works with external boundaries- (so a packaging of space)(= "turbulence"...) (collision -interference, (things staying put even when moving)) Official physics "entropy" = "hyper-space", real entropy = "hyper-space dynamic" (= structural integrity (= entropy!)) Traditional Physics entropy = objects navigating space time (objects network links)
People who think any scientific fact is indisputable do not understand scientific method.
That is a complicated concept, entropy. But I would say,,just a concept,,not a fact. What I mean is the universe is not running down. Planets are being made again and again here and there,,over time,,taking time. the same for galaxies. Sure you can say a planet or galaxy has a lifespan. But there is always others being born,living,,dieing,,all repeats. Lots of little big bangs happening here and there as well. Entropy increase of the universe is the fact. If my current observations and assumptions cannot explain some irregularities like galaxies and life, that means that I should think harder about how to fit them into the explanation. Galaxies may be a small part, but there are zillions of them, and they are not just a 'random' unlikely event in the universe caused by chance. There is an inherit 'tendency' of the universe towards generation of complex forms, both physical and life forms. 2nd law states that system as a whole tends toward uniformity. Galaxies are only a small part of the Universe. But if this is true, how did galaxies come into being? It seems to me that things tend towards non-equilibrium and non-uniformity. Yet the theory of the second law of thermodynamics states it should not happen. What is going on? Total entropy of the Universe increases. This statement is equivalent to that of the second law of thermodynamics which states that over time, differences in temperature, pressure, and chemical potential equilibrate in an isolated physical system. Organized potential energy can be completely changed into disorganized kinetic energy (heat), but the reverse cannot be done without outside help. The overall irreversible increase of this disorganized energy in the universe is measured by the abstract dimension that is called entropy. What is entropy?
Does evolution violate second law of thermodynamics?

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