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Is automation good or bad?

It's also possible that the benefits won't be distributed over the entire population, just like today. The capitalist system of trading labor for money is so deeply ingrained into our society, and seen as a positive force. Socialism (worker control of means of production), on the other hand, is seen as evil. The more time people invest in their growth, the smarter they will be. In the future, when almost everything is automated, and automation benefits are distributed over whole population and not just current capital owners, humans will not need to work 8+ hours a day, but only few hours a day. The remaining time they will be able to use for leisure, intellectual, creative, psychological, and social development. That is the point of automation which a number of great inventors of present and the past have had. Their vision of the future will eventually come to being. Technology is meant to make life easier for humans. For example, laundry machines are good. Maybe it was bad at the beginning because a few laundry washers were laid off as they were not needed to wash clothes, but today almost every household has it, and people save a lot of time because they don't wash laundry by hand. On the other hand, those who lost jobs can look for better and more interesting jobs now. Is automation good or bad?
The smarter your kids are, the better my life will be because they will be contributing to the environment and to my life.

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