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Who is the richest person in the world?

This kind of thinking is a common trap: "I am not important... why would they spy on me... let them do it." I hear this way too often.

Some ways in which they can use info:

- sophisticated personalization filtering to enforce more effective censorship on you.

- collective data, sentiment analysis, etc. to figure out how and when to interfere into matters of other countries.

- blackmail you with inconvenient info in future if you become important (i.e. you had an affair).

The Rothschild family. The arabs are richest and their names are not known to the world because they know they are rich and they don't bother about others as there is no one richer than them. Even if they do, really important people don't use Google, Faceboo, and other popular sites, nor is really important information being send through these free services. Maybe CIA and NSA have access to Google and Facebook data as well.
Important information does not need to be a huge amount of personal data. Maybe it can be some scientific or social theory, or an enlightening book, or invention? Maybe there are very educated people who possess such information which makes them in a way more wealthy than Google and Facebook together. Wealth is abundance of resources. Today, information is a very valuable resource. It may not always be converted into money, or expressed through money, but this fact doesn't make information a less valuable resource. This means that a person who has important information, or an access to important information, is a very wealthy person.

Google guys have access to tremendous amount of our personal data, from email correspondence to our online and offline habits. So does Facebook. Officially, it is Carlos Slim Helú from Mexico. However, richest persons are probably not known to the public. They must be owners of the big banks or oil industries. They have been growing business for generations, and it is highly unlikely that Rockefellers for example have less money than Bill Gates who made his fortune in few decades. Who is the richest person in the world?

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