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Language and Linguistics

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Language and thought.

Can one think visually and without using language and words?
people think in actions too. they just do things without language coming into it but that is still a thought. thought happens in many ways. language is the way to express it. one would still be able to think, though mostly in simple terms and ideas about his direct experience with the world (as in "i will go bring food", you'll have the idea but not the words.. and one won't be able to hold abstract sophisticated ideas.

I also think that primitive thinking enabled development of language and development of language further increased the power of thinking. They kind of developed together, helping each other - language and thought. I have to disagree with statement that early humans couldn't communicate.

Dogs don't have words (as we perceive them) but they do exchange sounds and those sounds are in fact doggy words - they communicate.

Similarly elephants communicate on great distances by hitting feet in the ground.

Whales communicated over distances of thousands of miles before the human ships created too much noise in the oceans.

Animals do communicate in ways which do not include words, nor visual perception. I would have to assume so, since very early human beings couldn't communicate, and there were no such things as words (from evidence found anyway), and they only had pictures to symbolize something. So a persons thoughts could be like a picture book. Very few to no words, and lots of colorful pictures. Besides, don't pictures tell a thousand words?Can one speak in thought? Can anyone really have a thought without a language to describe it with? Do thoughts exist without language? Or does language create thoughts. If you don't have a way to describe anything, does it still exist? Language and thought.

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