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What is a sin?

Animal naturally wants and takes from others, also naturally kills, and do sex freely. Ethical sense is against it. Because the ethical sense demands things to be being as purely themselves. We have ethical sense and animal body and life in it. THIS iS THE SIN since human eat the knowledge of goods and evils and denied animal body with cloths. (That's why Christ came and prepared forgiveness and new life.) Sin is actually a term not inherently religious in nature. It means "to miss the mark" or "to miss the point". Therefore, you could say a behavior or mindset is sinful because it misses the mark in respect to what one holds to be the point of our existence. That point, however, is up for debate. To many Christians, killing another is a sin. To many Buddhists, killing anything is a sin. As such, one must define the parameters of the term or learn to use it generically. - a taoistGood question. Take for example a serial killer. They know what they are doing is evil but continue the sin of murder over and over again. Embracing sin is called iniquity. Such an evil doing person is literally committing suicide by exercising his free will in opposition to the will of God. Such a soul is unreal to God's creation and that soul is extinguished. The forfeiture of eternal survival and continuing on the ascending path towards the Father in Paradise is the result of such iniquity. God created us as free will creatures and all of us have the capacity to err. The possibility of mistaken judgement (evil) becomes sin only when the human will consciously endorses and knowingly embraces a deliberate immoral judgement. When one constantly and wholeheartedly embraces sin the result is iniquity. The Hebrews believed without the shedding of blood there could be no remission of sin. It is a pagan idea that still persists in Christian/ Jewish theology from primitive concepts of God In relationship with God, the Holy Spirit brings forth a feeling of guilt with all sin in your life, and as a result we confess and repent and Jesus' blood washed out slate clean Sin is a personal matter, according to much Scripture (i.e. Rom 14.14). When one deems something unclean, to him/her it is unclean. All manner of sin and blasphemy is forgiven upon repentance (Mt 12.31) because you've learned from your mistake. Your mistakes are different than anyone else's because you are very unique. If you are worried about sin, embrace this period of grace through Christ Jesus. Faith and repentance = salvation. Not as difficult as many make it. Blessings. Does this mean that sin for one person may not be sin for another person? You and I may not feel guilt after doing the same (bad) thing. Sin is something that is followed by guilt and remorse. What is a sin?

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