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A true modern crusade

Crusade may be justified by a reason. Many villains in the past justified their monstrous acts with 'logical' arguments. Likewise, many great man of the past have done incredibly humane things by appealing to emotions, not only reason. [1][2] Basing decisions on emotion rather than rationality is a very incorrect path to be taking. In extreme cases, it could become dangerous.
I think therefore I am.

I could as well state: I feel therefore I am, as research has showed that thinking cannot be complete without feeling. Both originate in and are products of our brain / body.
[3][4] The Crusades were religious military campaigns. Is this modern crusade religious as well? I think that anything 'modern' should not include archaic religious legacy. (cont) end this crisis... For prison is merely a slap on the wrist because the law may be the law... But it is not justice... And rehab is merely a brief period of hypocrisy so they can get right back on the train... This problem must be solved... I will be the shield for all the innocent children and families to protect them from these horrors... And I will be their merciless sword and strike out against this demon that is corrupting our very existance... But I will remedy this disease.I have a vendetta now... I've had it for a while actually.. But its even more severe now... Unfortunately I am mostly alone in this crusade.. For almost everyone seeks the pleasure of hiding behind a wall of smoke or powder instead of facing their problems... They fall to the pressure of their peers like trees fall to an axe... All drugs... All dealers... All users... Must be dealt with... Rehabilitation and prison are not the answer... Only the permanent extermination of this scourge can (cont)A true modern crusade
We often think without using words, and make our decisions based on our gut feelings. [5]

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