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I am trying to eliminate junk food from my diet. However, it is hard.
It is not hard. When you are hungry it is hard to resist junk food that is everywhere around you. The trick is to always have healthy food around and never to be hungry. So buy as much health stuff for your home, and always eat before you leave home. You will be tempted much less with junk food. Try it out, after few days only you will see how easy it is! Eliminate junk food! Stress will last for few days only and then you will get used to it. What we eat is more a matter of habit than of taste. Which is worse: to eat a hamburger and therefore damage little physical health, or to not eat it but to think about it for hours and get stressed out because of the frustration. Stress is a main cause of many illnesses. Which is worse? I am trying to eliminate junk food from my diet. However, it is hard.