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Love and Romance

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I'm confused about a girl. She likes to be with me, and touch me for no apparent reason, but she makes fun of me, too.

It depends on how old you are. An immature person who has never really been in a relationship will try to be prematurely dominant and put down the other person because of it. She probably has mood swings, and when she s angry she will take it out on you. She may think this is normal, but a true relationship contender should never hurt their significant other. I suggest confrontation, and being straightforward about the way she makes you feel. Because she's an immature prat. It takes a mature mind to say how you feel about someone - really. If she likes you you can ask her to be your gf. Though if she doesn't like you don't let it effect you to badly. You're stronger than you think and will eventually move on... besides there's more to life than women though at the moment it may not seem like it. Soon you may have children of your own. Good luck :). It's possible she likes you. It's also likely that a few other women like you. Hope for the best and enjoy the journey that is life. (heaven)Let her know you like her, and if you want to say you're in love with her. Let her know that the teasing is hurting your feelings - and perhaps say that you've got a lot of important things on (work/study etc)... and the teasing doesn't help your self-esteem. Though you forgive her of course as you really like her and you've learnt to be more self-confident. You gained something positive from her teasing. Ask her to be your gf. Someone else can give you advice on starting a relationshi with her.Have you asked her why she does this to you? Sometimes girls tease guys they like. It is same with guys - sometimes they tease girls they like. OP here.. She's been making fun of my weight and my ugly-ness. I love her soo much, but this is really holding me back.. Need assistence.I'm confused about a girl. She likes to be with me, and touch me for no apparent reason, but she makes fun of me, too.

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