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Hi guys...I'm really ugly,I have giant pimples,I'm constantly bullied,and I like this girl but she was a man! I was raped 6x's when I was 9,I have a micro penis! What do I do?
Men are not defined by the size of their penis. You will find a women who loves you because you can be a strong man for her, and your penis doesn't determine that. Your pimples will go away as you grow. If not try tea tree oil after washing your face by wetting a towel and putting a drop or two in the wet area then scrub your face lightly. Then use a face moisturizer to keep it moisturized. If you let it dry out it will produce more oils and get worse.
Talk about the rapes with a counselor.This is not true. If this person knew Jesus, or knew God he would be loving, not doing whatever he is doing there. Fix your image (hair, outfit, etc.), change diet to lose weight and eliminate pimples, go to gym or some martial arts classes. im gayer than u because i had sex with 5 women in 3 daysAhahahaha! well first of all your both gay...and you there! Grow a pair and get over it! There's a thing called maning up! Man the fuck up bitch! And you the HOMO your gonna burn in hell! Hey man I have the same problem...I get weggies all he time...I play runescape and...well im very gay...I shove all the dicks I can in my mouth and ass! See tho I love weggies and everything big in my ass! You like men! What a faggot! Hi guys...I'm really ugly,I have giant pimples,I'm constantly bullied,and I like this girl but she was a man! I was raped 6x's when I was 9,I have a micro penis! What do I do?