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Honesty most of the time is related to communication between two or more persons. Being honest with myself is often even more important.
Why is it sometimes easier to be honest to strangers than to people we know? dying*
(Please write an idea that has more than just a word or two!) How true. I love the definition of Effective Communication that I learned early on. Effective communication occurs when the people involved are willing to change as a result of this communication. That speaks to people actually hearing what someone else says instead of preparing their answer. Therefore when someone says they don't want to talk about something it means they do not want to change... usually with arms crossed. honestly I have severe depression id never kill myself I love myself to much I think of hundreds of ways to die every day I am a medic in three military how am I supposed to be able to save peoples lives when all I think about every day is dyeing
Those two go together. If you are dishonest with others there is probably some fear involved, and if we have fears we probably also lie ourselves about the reason of lying to others. In other words, we lie to others because it is easier to find an excuse for it, than to find strength to face and fight fear -- fear from consequences of being honest. Overconfidence based on self-deception is evolutionary developed trait which maximizes individual fitness and that is why overconfidence remains prevalent today. [1][2] Maybe this is not so. Self-deceivers have more self-esteem and less psychopathology, especially
depression. Depressed people have a more realistic view of themselves. Is it more important to be honest or healthy and happy? [3][4] An emotion as such tells you nothing about reality, beyond the fact that something makes you feel something. Without a ruthlessly honest commitment to introspection—to the conceptual identification of your inner states—you will not discover what you feel, what arouses the feeling, and whether your feeling is an appropriate response to the facts of reality, or a mistaken response, or a vicious illusion produced by years of self-deception.[5] If you avoid reality, it will eventually hit you hard. Biologists propose that the overriding function of self-deception is the more fluid deception of others. That is, hiding aspects of reality from the conscious mind also hides these aspects more deeply from others. An unconscious deceiver is not expected to show signs of the stress associated with consciously trying to perpetrate deception. [6] Because we are less afraid they will try to abuse the knowledge they gain about us, and that they will try to hurt us. After all, they are strangers and we probably won't meet them again. On the other hand, people that know us well can use the delicate knowledge about us in the future, both intentionally and unintentionally. That is true. If I am deceiving my self, and rationalizing things I want to believe in even if they are not true, I will not be able to be honest with others because I will not tell them the real truth, but the deception I convinced my self is true.Honesty most of the time is related to communication between two or more persons. Being honest with myself is often even more important. But can we ever know the 'real' objective truth, or is it always subjective?