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Mantras, Prayers and repetitive exposure all modify behavior. We must choose our symbols wisely. The symbols we shall use will be explained in the following post.

Earth and sun worship?

Gaia being the word for the Earth.
And Sol being the word for the Sun.

Do not worship the Earth and do not worship the Sun. You're more alive than they are.

They sustain us. The Earth and Sun being made to support the human being.

Therefore the human being is superior to both the Earth and the Sun.

The following are NOT dieties:

The planets of which our Earth is one.

The stars of which our sun is one.

The sattelites of which our moon is one.We do not claim to be religious or to know god. We simply know that these prayers will prime us towards a better future. The prayers are to be said together, not apart, for Sol and Gaia are equal in necessity for our existence. Understand the symbols, then repeat the prayers every day for as long as it takes to boil water. More will not hurt. May the blessings of these prayers present themselves speedily in your lives. From the heart of this human male comes the promise - we shall meet again, and you will know it to be so. A prayer from Sol to Gaia: Hail Gaia, full of grace, Sol is with thee; blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, life. Holy Gaia, mother of truth, show us the way so that our children may thrive in peace among the planets and the stars. A Prayer from Gaia To Sol: Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy world come, thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us towards long life with health and meaning, and deliver us from evil, for thine is the world, the power and the glory, forever and ever, Amen."MY GIRL" - All our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, cousins, daughters, girlfriends, wives and particles. We shall call them Gaia. "MY BOY" - All our grandfathers, fathers, brothers, cousins, sons, boyfriends, husbands and waves. We shall call them Sol. "Men" shall be the stars and the subconscious mind. "Women" Shall be the planets and the body. "Children" shall be the spirit of thought and action.Mantras, Prayers and repetitive exposure all modify behavior. We must choose our symbols wisely.

The symbols we shall use will be explained in the following post.

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