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Individual Action Is Not Enough.
By stop wasting time here typing and go to plant trees or something, sir?
If the beef industry collapsed, all these beef related people will lose their job and go find a new job(probably your job), or can't get one and commit crime to get money. Also, there are much more problems more important than cows farting, for example human rights or hunting wildlifes. If you are not going to stand in front of a tank or a rifle to solve these problems then don't act like everyone should.But again, that is not individual actions. I see where you would say it is, but I had said that others would join with you in the cause. Therefore you by yourself could not have accomplished it, but with your example others would follow and it wouldn't be just an individual, but a group of individuals solving the problem, or whatever the case might be. Individuals can't change the world or larger things than themselves, but groups of them can. Individual action is not enough if it is somethning the person cannot sustain. Individual action can therefore be infectious, like the ideas and commitment of great people or leaders, people who changed and continue to change the world with their ideas and vision.Just wanted to share this idea.[1] Individual action is enough if it becomes a common action. Imagine everyone (who cares) stops eating beef for a month. Beef industry will collapse and there won't be millions of cows any more to produce methane. Since big industry is a significant decision maker in the world, and they strive for profits, simply avoiding their products will affect their businesses, and they will stop producing what is not being sold. We Do Have The Power! A person who made the greatest impact on mankind is ... Solving world problems, like lowering the carbon level, is down to individuals and their behavior... How can you change behavior of people who do not act to solve these problems?Individual Action Is Not Enough.