Science and Society Discussion Forum

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Science and Society forum topics you didn't visit:
- People who think any scientific fact is indisputable do not understand scientific method.
- There are more and more people who get children after 30 years of their lives. Is that degrading human race, because children are born of older parents.
- Does evolution violate second law of thermodynamics?
- Embryonic Stem Cell Research.
- Science may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings.
- Ideas about "bios" data analysis, and possible projects for testing the ideas on chaos, bios, and complexity.
- What is scientology? Explain it so a teenager can understand.
- Life's greatest miracle.
- Is peer review broken?
- lack of emotion.
- Will scientific interface change social interface? For example, when minds are genetically enhanced or stimulated?
- Why doesn't evolution discard quality in favour of quantity?
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