Relationships Discussion Forum

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Relationships forum topics you didn't visit:
- How parents affect our relationships.
- My girlfriend has never initiated sex in the 2 years we have been together. I love her but no longer find her sexually attractive. Do I leave her or cheat?
- Is there something I'm missing? What's really going on...?
- Are there any ways i can make my 12 year old hot FUCKING penis bigger, also how do i make girls want to fuck me real bad?
- Having an ex-girlfriend sucks in itself.
- If you have ever been in an abusive relationship (mental, emotional, physical..etc) ... why did you stay?
- how to convince my girlfriend to get help for the sake of our relationship?
- I need a REAL man to satify me
- What should I do about my situation?
- Importance In Relationship
- My bf thinks physical contact with other girls is just normal such as tight hugging, cheek to cheek when taking photos. He wants me to have more understanding. what do you think?
- I liked a boy, we had a fling, he wasn't over his x, but he cried when I said he and I probably wouldn't happen again. when I go to see his band play he stares at me nonstop. why?
- My boyfriend "raped" my best friend and I still love him.
- Should I stop being friends with the pastor's daughter?
- What could he be thinking?..possibly?
- What are the pros and cons of interracial relationships?
- My wife never met and doen't know: I'm sorry
- New video reveals one powerful secret to seducing women
- Dealing with a mean boyfriend.
- Im not racist but I do not agree with interacial relations... why?
- (Almost) Perfect Relationship
- Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus.
- People will forget what you have said and what you have done, however, they will never forget how you made them feel.
- Girlfriend wants to go to key west with three friends, she's honest, trusting, but i'm not completely sure everything will be ok. I want her to enjoy senior year. Should i let her?
- I'm sorry I haven't been able to's complicated
- I'm in love with someone i've never met before...
- Most complicated situation
- If I were to have one, how do I pretend that having a pretty girlfriend isn't all I ever wanted?
- To really communicate you need to listen with your brain, not just hear with your ears.
- Are most females subconsciously becoming modern day prostitutes while dating guys?
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