Philosophy Discussion Forum

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Philosophy forum topics you didn't visit:
- Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.
- What is the meaning of life?
- I am a philosopher.
- Self ownership, freedom and equality.
- What is philosophy?
- What is justice?
- What is knowledge?
- I would like to explore the reality of free will. In what measure are we humans capable of making choices and how much is pre-determined by what we are.
- The Universal Truth
- When a baby is born it cries and everyone around smiles. When the same baby gets old (wo)man, (s)he should smile and everybody around cry.
- Is it better to make things, like cars, that do some real work, or is it better to think about what impact these things have on our lives?
- Ideas on the following trends... Not giving praise without criticizing an other. Bonding over the humiliation and ridicule of an other. Giving a negative opinion period.
- Godel's incompleteness theorem implications.
- Necessity for religion; the way we interact with the environment around us. Why do we have a sense of "ego"?
- Cogito ergo sum.
- Ideas do not belong to anyone. In the same time, they belong to everyone.
- It is important to doubt and to ask.
- What contribution did Ancient Cynicism make to philosophy?
- What is the truth behind it all?
- convergence of everything
- All is water.
- Do you know any good wise and deep quotes?
- Training of Silver and Gold, how can one learn"gymnastics" and be just?
- What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.
- Time present past, the big crunch with atoms connected.
- All occurs according to number.
- meanings do not fit into words, words fit into meanings!
- Philosophy (2014) has been almost completely replaced by the many sciences and the many religions. True? False? Other?
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