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All forum topics you didn't visit:
- Best books of all time.
- This tutorial explains how to use this forum.
- Either Google is receiving money from some web-sites to appear on top of search engine results, or some web-sites have learned quite well how to cheat Google algorithm.
- Sex is great!
- Any favorite ones ? Mine definetly include works of Eisner, Miller, Moore, Gaiman, Loeb&Sale. As for european I like the classics > Moebius, Franz, Hermann, Bilal, etc. Name yours!
- Computers and internet changed our lives so much that now if we don't have access to e-mail for a day or two, we feel uncomfortable.
- why does credit have to be an integeral part of capitalism
- Humans have fought wars for thousands of years. Is it part of a human nature to wage wars and kill other humans, or is it some kind of pathology?
- What can be the role of computer based and internet based learning? What are pros, what are cons?
- I am looking for some good idea. Do you know any?
- "300" movie by Zack Snyder.
- Good rhetorical skills can make a simple mathematical addition problem seem like a complex puzzle. Imagine what rhetorics can do to already complex real life issues.
- Interesting Music Videos
- Tribal community is the sollution to all of our problems. This icludes pollution, over-population, dissapearing natural resources, etc.
- I've recently been imagining scenarios in which I die. I've wondered what would happen if I did die, I don't plan on killing myself. But death and suicide are constantly on my mind
- Why do we dream?
- I salute competetors in the business because ... from their critic I am learning new things for ever and then will get success with advanced techniques.
- Can one think visually and without using language and words?
- If you tell the truth you don't have to remember anything.
- I feel physically sick at the thought of being me for another day. every night when i go to sleep i feel this way.
- Nature vs. nurture debate.
- Why is anonymity better than identity in communications?
- The twised views of sexuality in te U.S.
- Can money buy happiness?
- It is astonishing how much crime some big corporations are doing every year to thousands of people, and are not being punished.
- is this abuse?
- Badly written short story.
- Who is he? Why does he exist?
- Why did i get married?
- The whole of Mathematics is beautiful.
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